We are pleased to announce that the Haus of Topper tassel collar was shot in the January issue of L’Officiel Azerbaijan (@ lofficielazerbaijan) styled by Lisa Smith Craig (@lscstyling) and photographed by Mazen Abusrour (@mazenabusrour).
Publication: L'Officiel Indonesia
Story: Seriel Lover
Issue: January
Brands: Haus of Topper
About: "L'Officiel, one of the oldests French fashion editions present, appeared in the year 1921 in Paris, and already in 1938 - it became the first fashion magazine in the world who published colour fotos. It acquainted readers with couturier that were just at the earliest times of their fame: Jaque Fate, Christian Dior.
Today L'Officiel is published in France, Russia, China, India, Turkey, Japan, Arabian Emirates, Brasil, Greece and Ukraine.
French magazine that forms and reflects world fashion trends. The most authoritive edition among expert. L'Officiel magazine - knows about fashion everything, and even more."