We are pleased to announce that the Haus of Topper choker was shot in the July issue of Esquire Magazine Latin America (@esquire_la) styled by Marti Arcucci (@martiarcucci) and photographed by Cesar Balcazar (@cesarbalcazar).
About:"As the leading men’s lifestyle magazine, Esquire is defined by its range. The magazine speaks to the multi-faceted, successful man who is culturally plugged in. Esquire's unique blend of intelligent service, stories with substance, and ability to entertain and inspire make it a relevant source and must-read for tastemakers and influenc- ers. Award winning editorial is Esquire's hallmark. This continues to sustain the magazine's vitality and reinforce its leadership position.
Esquire appeared, for the first time, in October 1933. It was conceived at the darkest moment of the Depression and was born at the dawn of theNew Deal.
Esquire addresses the diversity of men’s interests with intelligence, wit and style. In contrast to narrowly focused men’s niche titles, Esquire understands that sophisticat- ed men with limited leisure time can benefit from a single source about the best of their world.
While other men’s magazines are written for highly aspirational readers, Esquire is geared toward men who have arrived, they dress for themselves; have both the means and the knowledge to invest; can order with confidence in a fine restaurant; have a healthy respect and admiration for women; take vacations that enrich
their lives and recharge their energy; and have mas- tered many of life’s"