We are really excited to be continuing our interview series this week with the one and only Maeghan Gale. A firecracker, true individual and one of the hardest working people we are honored to count as part of our team. So many people work so hard to make HAUS of TOPPER what it is and she fits the brand like a glove. check out the full interview below!
HoT: What or who inspires you?
MG: My mother and my family inspire me. It sounds corny but there aren’t too many things that can move me into action. I grew up watching my parents work so hard to provide for us. Everyday I want to make them proud so they can relax and feel like their hard work was all for good use.
HoT: What do you do and what do you love about what you do?
MG: I am in charge of the sales (particularly wholesale) for HAUS of TOPPER and other designers. I love connecting trends, interpersonal skills, and fashion all into one. It’s fun for me to take my knowledge of retail/consumers and translate that back to designers for the purpose of building brands and increasing sales. I love to walk into stores or shop online and see a brand that I am working with featured. It’s an awesome feeling.
HoT: What draws you to Haus of Topper the brand and makes it stand out to you?
MG: Firstly, I love the name. It has an air of individuality that is intriguing. I love the use of crystals, feathers, and pearls (natural items). I love that the collection is not afraid of color and still allows for elegance.
HoT: What's your favorite brunch spot in the New York City area (nyc, Brooklyn, queens, etc)
MG: My friends and I like to frequent Essex in the LES only because we know the staff extremely well. LOL - there’s one bartender who is like an uncle to us and he always slides us a bottle of process for $20. It’s a good life. If I’m in Brooklyn I either brunch at home, with friends, or go to a spot in Ft. Greene.
HoT: For a real vacation, there is no place like? And why?
MG: As long as there is good food, seclusion, everlasting dancing, a place to tan, and water to get lost in - it doesn’t matter where I’m at ;)
HoT: When did you realize/fall in love with what you do and decided to pursue it?
MG: I was always into the arts and fashion. Even as a little girl all of my outfits were dramatic. They all had some sort of crystal or sparkle. I was always good at math and debating people. When I moved to NYC I landed an internship at a major fashion house and landed a job in the sales department. I was a natural and the duties itself were a thrill to me.
HoT: Its NYC, everyone has something they do on the side that they are passionate about---- whether a hobby, art, etc etc. What is that for you?
MG: I enjoy styling, art, music, and dancing. I’ve been working on my styling book as it’s a personal project of mine. I enjoy creating fun outfits and it’s even better when I can create a story and collar with like-minded individuals. Dancing and music are a release for me. I can dance all night lol
HoT: What would your dream project be?
MG: Ummm, very hard question to answer. I guess a project that is challenging artistically with a team of like-minded individuals. Very vague answer I guess but I hate limits and boxes.
HoT: How ambitious are you?
MG: All I could think of when reading this question was “So Ambitious” by Jay-Z & Pharrell
HoT: If you could live in another era of Fashion, what would it be
MG: Maybe the 50s-60s. It was a bit of drama without negating reality.
HoT: What makes you happiest?
MG: PEACE, food, and good vibes
HoT: What is the first thing you do when you get home at night?
MG: After I take my constraining garments off I blast the music and retreat to my rooftop
HoT: Who are you a fan of, music-wise?
MG: PRINCE. His individuality and genius was a major part of my growth. The metaphors in his music, the genuine lyrics he used, the musical composition, and the feeling of “not knowing what comes next” is mesmerizing to me.
HoT: Explain your style in 3 words
MG: funky. sexy. maeghan
Don't forget to follow Maeghan over at Instagram: mighty_morphin_mae